About Those Groups Protesting #WCPSS’s Black Student Suspensions…

Three groups are protesting Wake County Schools discipline policies involving black students according to an article at News and Observer.

This is an extension of the ‘school to prison pipeline‘ theme we’ve seen in the last few years. These three groups issued a press release, which had the contact name of Rukiya Dillahunt on it.

That's racistTheir main complaint is that black students are making up a disproportionate percentage of the suspensions/expulsions.

The subtext is that discipline and zero tolerance policies are racist. These are policies that have changed little over the last few decades, yet these groups protesting are focused on the policy and not the possible causes.

No one in these groups protesting, nor in the media, seems to be considering, addressing or asking the question: what if these expulsion/suspension rates are accurate? If the rates are true, what does that say?

Their complaint cites a report penned by Edward J. Smith and Shaun R. Harper of  the “Center for the Study of Race and Equity”.

That report is inherently flawed and seems to be more about social justice than science. I go into some detail about the Smith/Harper report in my column this week at Da Tech Guy.

So who are the three groups? Here’s a brief snapshot.

1. Education Justice Alliance 
Official name is Southern Justice Alliance.
The website is registered to El Pueblo’s Angeline Escheverria and has ties to Ajamu and Rukiya Dillahunt.
[Related Articles: Wake Schools Grading Participation TrophiesAbout That “School To Prison Pipeline”…]

2. Dignity In Schools 
Offshoot of big labor-socialism themed National Economic and Social Rights Initiative or NESRI. NESRI is a 501(c)3.
NESRI’s many partners include the Youth Organizing Institute.

3. Coalition Of Concerned Citizens for African-American Children (CCCAAC)
Founded by Calla and Gerald Wright.
CCCAAC has partnered with WakeEd Partnership and are promoters of Common Core.

Ajamu and Rukiya Dillahunt are actively involved with this organization.

Last Fall, CCCAAC pushed the idea of basically letting kids at ‘risk of failing have multiple bites at the apple. This idea was spearheaded by Rukiya Dillahunt and the WCPSS board ate it up. Now, less than a year later, Wake County School board is withdrawing the idea.

The CCCAAC member page has an interesting note on it:

Please leave your name and contact information and someone will get back with you. Black Lives Matter Please get involved!


Points of Interest
It’s worth noting that the News and Observer is running a picture of Qasima Wideman with the article. Remember that name, as some circles claim she is the heir apparent to Reverend Barber’s bully pulpit.

The fact that at least one of these groups (CCCAAC) openly support Common Core despite test scores being either flat or have dropped significantly for black students is something to keep in mind as NC’s latest scores are published.

Remember, we are in year four of Common Core in North Carolina.

According to the webinar hosted by the Dept. of Public Instruction this week, NC will see test scores published in the beginning of October. I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that the scores this year will be ‘flat’ or ‘stagnant’ and that black students will see bigger drops than their cohorts.  The ACT scores are already being called ‘stagnant’.

The question that then should be asked becomes, ‘Is Common Core racially biased’?

Related Reading: 

Background – School To Prison Pipeline”:

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips: APDillon@Protonmail.com
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