Just In Time For Summer: AG Roy Cooper’s Amazing #HB2 Flip-Flops

Roy Cooper Equality NCJust in time for Summer, North Carolina’s Attorney General has donned a pair of amazing flip-flops.

Yesterday, Governor McCrory’s office issued a statement that NC Attorney General Roy Cooper had changed course and would be defending HB2.

This statement was based on multiple documents, one filed on May 27th by the NC Attorney General’s office.

These documents arguably showed an intent to defend the state that included a motion to extend the response deadline.

Here’s the text from one of them:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Special Deputy Attorney General Amar Majmundar of the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office enters his Notice of Appearance as counsel representing Defendant the State of North Carolina.
Respectfully submitted, this 31st day of May, 2016.

Attorney General

The documents are linked below:

NCAG Notice of Appearance
NCAG Notice of Appearance Olga E. Vysotskaya de Brito
NCAG Motion for Extension of Time

Later in the day, the Cooper Campaign issued a statement that said the opposite of the legal filings. He will not be defending HB2 and the filings were ‘procedural’.

Judge Orr tweeted back, Cooper can’t have it both ways:

If Cooper is not defending the state, then why hasn’t he filed a motion to that end instead of a time extension?

The McCrory campaign has called for Cooper to resign.

Related:  ‘Do Your Job’: The Left Just Got Its Very Own Version of Kim Davis With NC’s Attorney General

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips: APDillon@Protonmail.com
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4 Responses to Just In Time For Summer: AG Roy Cooper’s Amazing #HB2 Flip-Flops

  1. Pingback: VIDEO: Roy Cooper Do Your Job | Lady Liberty 1885

  2. Kim says:

    Why is Roy Cooper not being sued for deriliction of duty?! He (like Obama and the DOJ) selectively enforce / ignore the law according to personal whims. Why do we have to put up with this lawlessness?!


  3. Geek49203 says:

    Cause the good Dem is trying to have it both ways? Trying to please the Charlotte bathroom crowd as well as the traditional Southern Dem that — even in Charlotte — don’t like the bathroom law?


  4. We don’t agree on everything but on this one you sure have a point. I guess it doesn’t hurt that 40% of the North Carolina Democratic Party is control by a gay agenda that has NOTHING to do with equality and equal rights. But, it’s not politically correct to say that, now is it.


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