Yadkinville elementary assistant charged with assault on minor

A Yadkinville Elementary School assistant teacher has been arrested on assault and abuse charges.


Name: Ivey Shouse Pauca [No mugshot provided]
Age: Unknown
Charge(s): Misdemeanor assault on a child under 12 (Class A1) and misdemeanor child abuse (Class A1)
Charge Type(s): (View Sentencing Chart)
Arrest Date:
Bond Details: No bail; written promise to appear in court June 26

Victim /Case Details: 

Yadkin County Public Schools says they received information on May 24 about an assault on a student.
Police were contacted and an investigation is ongoing.

According to WFMY, The mother of a student said that her son came home from school with a bite mark on his back and her son said the teacher did it.

District: Yadkin County Public Schools
Current Role: Teacher’s Assistant, Yadkinville Elementary School
History: Teacher assistant (Jan. 2020-July 2022); resigned in 2022 and was rehired Oct. 2023.
Employment status: Resigned on May 23 without 30 days notice required by state law

Statement from District: 

“Our school district was made aware of allegations of misconduct made against Ivey S. Pauca, a staff member of Yadkinville Elementary School, last Friday, May 24. District administration immediately began investigating the incident, and there is also a pending investigation by law enforcement personnel.

Mrs. Ivey S. Pauca was employed as a teacher assistant in Yadkin County Schools (YCS) from January 7, 2020 to July 21, 2022. Mrs. Pauca resigned to work in another school district and was reemployed in YCS on October 3, 2023. On May 24, 2024, Mrs. Pauca resigned her position as Teacher Assistant.

The administration of Yadkin County Schools has and will continue to cooperate fully with law enforcement in the investigation (and prosecution, if applicable) of any allegations of misconduct against an employee of the Yadkin County Schools.”

NC Teacher License Information: 

No NC Teaching license


About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips: APDillon@Protonmail.com
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