Did The PVC Six Vote Illegally? What Will Roy Cooper Do? – #NCPOL

illegals protest hb318Earlier this week, six individuals chained themselves together in front of the Governors mansion in protest of HB 318, a bill signed by Governor McCrory blocking cities in North Carolina from adopting sanctuary city status.

Some of the individuals were self-described ‘illegal immigrants’. A Facebook post by James Johnson of NCFIRE cites the voting records of all six protesters who were arrested.

Did these people vote in North Carolina illegally? What will Attorney General Roy Cooper do?

From the Facebook Post (edited to correct the links to the voting records):

Carmen Rodriguez, a young mother of three who is in the country illegally and has lived and worked in Raleigh for more than 10 years.
Angeline Marie Echeverria, the executive director of Raleigh-based El Pueblo and a Cuban-American
Ivanna Christina Eljuri Gonzalez, an immigrant from Venezuela who grew up in Miami and has lived in the Triangle for the past six years
Martha Iliana Santillan-Carril, an organizer at El Pueblo and a former teacher
David Salazar Montalvo, a contractor who has lived and worked in North Carolina for almost 30 years
Nayely Irais Perez-Huerta, who is the regional organizer for the Southeast Immigrant Rights Network.

Someone has complained about the first person on the list above. Let me be clear, this is information as posted on Facebook by ANOTHER PERSON. I merely reposted it.  If you have an issue with it, take it up with them.
There is another Carmen Maria Rodriguez in the voter records, but at a different address: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/Voter_Search_Public/voter_details.aspx?voter_reg_num=000066043758&county=26

Given that Rodriguez is a self-proclaimed illegal immigrant per her comments to the media, it is a valid question to ask the status of those arrested with her.

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips: APDillon@Protonmail.com
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15 Responses to Did The PVC Six Vote Illegally? What Will Roy Cooper Do? – #NCPOL

  1. Pingback: PVC Six Update: Protester Votes In Durham Despite Miami, FL Mailing Address – #ncpol | Lady Liberty 1885

  2. Pingback: Supt. Ann Clark: Hey Illegals, Sure You Can Volunteer in #CMS Schools – #nced #ncga | Lady Liberty 1885

  3. Robert says:

    Roy “Please Mr. Holder sue NC” Cooper will not lift a finger. Besides everyone knows that voter fraud is just a figment of the demented right wing mind…..


  4. If Ivanna Gonzalez stated here that she voted in October…If she is in fact illegal…this would be illegal, no? https://twitter.com/ivannacg/status/651391946280312832


  5. Mark says:

    The battle cry of the liberals is there is no voter fraud. Yet when we find clear evidence of it as in this case , and the rampant voter fraud on display in project veritas. Nothing is done, and then the liberals say see there is no voter fraud nobody was arrested for voter fraud. And yet here it is on proud display.


  6. Walt-in-Durham says:

    I believe it is the NC Board of Elections that needs to start the investigation. But, Cooper and all politicians running need to come out and clearly state it is illegal for non-citizens to register and vote.



  7. Here’s another LINK you might want add to the general Info. Ms. Ivanna Gonzalez’s Twitter page. Look at WHO she Follows — Chris Fitzsimons, NC Policy Watch, AFL-CIO, Melissa H. Perry, NAACP, Clinton, ACLU, Moral Mondays, etc. The full list of Communist groups here in NC.

    OHhhhh…. And in case someone wants to doubt JJ’s statement on her being from Venezuela, she also follows Venezuelan Food trucks.

    Here’s her ‘Following Page’.


    Respectfully submitted by SD2010.


  8. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  9. Pingback: Community Organizer Worries About ‘School To Prison Pipeline’ | Lady Liberty 1885

  10. Ed says:

    I would suggest that folks start calling the Honorable Mr. Cooper on Monday morning, asking about just such an investigation.


  11. Tim Peck says:

    Some voter registration links are broken.


  12. Tim Peck says:

    Some links are broken.


  13. kimosaabe says:

    As a citizen of North Carolina and the United States of America I demand North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper conduct an investigation of illegal voting activity for these individuals.


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