Sen. Tillis: ‘HB2 is a state law, not my problem’ – #HB2 #NCSEN

The Obama administration has taken aim at our kids.  Under this administrations personal interpretation of Title IX, any child can use any bathroom, locker room, shower or even join any club or team — regardless of their biological sex. It only matters what sex the child ‘identifies as’.

By allowing such access, the door is opened for abuse, assault, rape and exploitation by those who would take advantage of such an open decree. All they have to say are the magic words, “I identify as…”.

HB2 is critical to protecting the safety and privacy of North Carolina citizens, especially children.

Nearly all North Carolina officials have locked arms and are fighting the Obama administration over it.  I said nearly all . While many of our representatives have joined 72 others in opposing Obama’s edict, our Senators are M.I.A.

A concerned citizen wanted to know why our Senators are not stepping up and standing with their state on HB 2, so they asked one of them.

In the response letter below, the Senator tells the citizen he isn’t in the state legislature anymore and HB2 is a state level law, so go talk to their local representation.   Standing with the citizens and officials to defend his state against outright tyranny is not the job of a U.S. Senator, apparently.

Tar FeathersThe letter is also very carefully worded. The strongest condemnation in it is when Tillis calls Obama’s Title IX edict a “novel interpretation”.  Gee, I’d hate to see what kind of language Sen. Tillis uses when he’s really upset.

Dear Senator Tillis, you clearly don’t realize that this is THE fight for the soul of our state.

This is the hill you die on.

This is the moment when act;  you lock arms and yell, NO!

But instead, you just passed the buck.

This is why Democrats win. They act. We react… sometimes.

Here’s the letter:

Thank you for contacting me about North Carolina House Bill (HB) 2.  I appreciate hearing from you.

I understand your concerns about HB 2.  Reasonable people can disagree about these sensitive issues.  Recently, the Obama administration, through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), filed a complaint against the state of North Carolina.  This federal intrusion into what was essentially a state concern, using a novel interpretation of the language of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1972 and the Education Amendments of 1972, was un unnecessary escalation of a conflict that I am confident the good people of North Carolina can resolve amicably.

Beyond this recent DOJ action on the matter, HB 2 is a state law, and I am no longer serving in the state legislature.  I would recommend that you contact your State Senator and State Representatives and share your concerns with them.
Contact information for your state officials can be found on the State website:  You can also contact the Governor through his website:

As your U.S. Senator, it is very helpful to understand your concerns with for the federal government is operating and your opinions on the important issues that confront North Carolina and our nation.  Please feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance.


Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator

Related Reading:
Senator Burr Hides in the men’s room

Dear Sens. Burr and Tillis, You Are Not Invisible.

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips:
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6 Responses to Sen. Tillis: ‘HB2 is a state law, not my problem’ – #HB2 #NCSEN

  1. Pingback: Senator Burr, Is The Whiplash a Bug or a Feature? | Lady Liberty 1885

  2. Pingback: NC Republican Senator: Don’t bother me about HB2 » The Right Scoop -

  3. Pingback: Traditional values crowd showing NO LOVE to Burr-Thilli$

  4. ALRUI says:

    Tillis is a useless P.O.S. who should never be re-elected again! Also please people quit putting Burr back in office, did anyone see his comical Zika e-mail? Zika is a $ grab, pure & simple!


  5. C. says:

    I’m so sick of these people! Vote them out!!


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