I Told You So File: Human Rights Campaign is pulling all the strings. #HB2

From my ‘I told You So’ files:  Human Rights Campaign is pulling all the strings in the transgender bathroom wars.

A refresher:

I have said this more than a few times —  North Carolina was targeted by the Human Rights Campaign.  You Will Be Made To Care

I have said the Charlotte facilities ordinance was politically motivated.

I have said that this campaign is just like the 2012 ‘war on women’ distraction, only this time around the democrats are actually waging a war on women… and children.

I have said this was orchestrated on a number of levels and went all the way to the White House.  And a few weeks ago, the NEW YORK TIMES proved all of that to be true.

I’m glad I am not the only one who picked up on that article, it seems the Governor has too.

Via Governor McCrory’s press release, here is the meat of that very revealing New York Times article:

A recent story in the New York Times debunks the President’s assertion and describes much of the back story behind how his administration has been working on this issue for years, and how the President’s allies specifically targeted North Carolina to start this controversy.

READ: The New York Times: “How the Push to Advance Bathroom Rights for Transgender Americans Reached the White House”

1) The same activists who originally pushed the Charlotte ordinance and have been coordinating a campaign against North Carolina’s reputation and economy held a high-level secret meeting with the President’s most trusted advisor, Valerie Jarrett, nine days after the North Carolina law was passed:

  • “The lobbying came to a head, according to people who were involved, in a hastily called April 1 meeting between top White House officials — led by Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser and one of his closest confidantes”
  • Nine days later, the advocates had their audience with Ms. Jarrett.”

2) After Houston’s bathroom ordinance failed after a referendum vote, the Human Rights Campaign specifically targeted Charlotte as the next city they would start this fight:

  • “After the defeat in Houston, their next targets were Jacksonville, Fla., and Charlotte, N.C. — Southern cities where the advocates worked aggressively to elect politicians who would push the cause…”

3) Media reports and even the White House itself have suggested the President’s directive to the nation’s schools over bathroom, shower and locker room usage came in response to North Carolina’s law. The New York Times story reveals that the Obama directive had been in the works for months before the North Carolina law was passed:

  • “The sweeping directive to public schools seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact, it was the product of years of study inside the government and a highly orchestrated campaign” by liberal interest groups. 
  • “a legal directive on transgender rights that had been in the works for months was about to be released.”

By the way, PolitiFact now has some serious egg on its face.

They’ve been hounding Governor McCrory over his statements that Human Rights Campaign was pulling the strings.

NewsBusters picked up on this and the slant being produced by PolitiFactNC comes courtesy of The News and Observer:

Politifact’s slant against McCrory with The News & Observer can also be looked at from a purely statistical standpoint as since March 14, the site has done nine “fact-checks” of statements McCrory has made versus only one for Roy Cooper, who happens to be both the Democratic Attorney General and McCrory’s opponent the November gubentatorial election.

Naturally, the lone Cooper statement Politifact examined concluded it was “mostly true” while McCrory only had one of his nine posts judged to be “true.”

Looks like PolitiFactNC need a wee bit of a walk back, eh?

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips: APDillon@Protonmail.com
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4 Responses to I Told You So File: Human Rights Campaign is pulling all the strings. #HB2

  1. bigalsouth says:

    Remember one thing: McCrory is doing a great job putting men to work. (Economy booming) Cooper is trying to put men in the Ladies Room.


  2. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  3. Kathy Young says:

    To the boneheads who want to argue about gender, mention that males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes. Period. No surgery or imagination can change that. If you are born male, you can have your sex organs removed and attempt plastic surgery, but you cannot change those XY chromosomes. You really cannot change your gender; you can only pretend.

    Gender is not nebulous or changeable. It’s binary and in every part of your body. If you can’t accept your gender, you have a mental problem, just like the homeless guy who thinks he is Jesus or Napoleon. Society doesn’t demand we honor the homeless Guy’s delusions about being Jesus. Why do deluded liberals demand we pretend David or George is a girl and let them watch women and little girls shower and pee?

    Sent from my iPad



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