It Started With A Tweet About The #NCDEMS

I received an email from George Fisher this morning in my inbox. The email pointed me at a tweet:

That tweet referenced at Facebook post from Mr. Fisher that read:

Things to consider as Democrats:

As we embrace HKonJ and also Valentine’s Day: let’s not forget that one of the first things the new leader of the North Carolina Democratic Party did in her official capacity was to fire a single mother with two children and a pregnant woman. ‪#‎newNCDP‬ ‪#‎ncpol‬ ‪#‎gotyourback‬

Oh my.  War on Women?

Read all the comments. Fisher has both detractors and supporters weighing in.

A few excerpts from the Facebook Post, including references to NC Dem infighting with ‘circular firing squads’,  ‘spoiled children’ and inferences that the ‘Moral March’ was an echo chamber:

Wayne Abraham George remember our promise to no longer form a circular firing squad? Casey is my friend and even I am sticking to that promise.

Bibi Bowman That disgusts me, and it disgusts me even more that the party would elect someone with those negative “values” to run the party. How can I logically and in good faith remain affiliated with a party whose elected chairperson’s values are so antithetical to mine?

Wayne Abraham No more circular firing squads people. Attack Republicans.

Bibi Bowman Wayne, I can’t see a meaningful difference between PK and a rethuglican. Can you point any out?

George Fisher The day Democrats started going after each other for speaking our minds is the day we put down our Democratic principles and picked up the our enemies ideology. It should not be considered a circular firing squad when we say what we deem appropriate in good consciousness. But, perhaps I’m not dealing with the same Democrats I once considered appreciative of different opinions – other than their own. Whatever happened to creative expressions and dialog? Or, do we now just want to set down at the table with no one other than ourselves?

Grace L Galloway Let’s be real. Emily Frazier brown and her gang of spoiled children are a major cause of the rift in the party. They didn’t get what they wanted and threw a years long tantrum now expecting those they disenfranchised to ” play nice”. I respect the hell out of Wayne Abraham but have found that I can get s whole lot more done as UA. So go for it Bibi Bowman

Chris Telesca That’s ok. Today I was at HKonJ and ran into a former candidate fir NCDP Chair. He said a PK supporter hurled an obscenity at him in front of witnesses. Such sore winners! I’ll believe in unity when I see Keever supporters practicing it when they encounter respectful dissent – not the type that Voller got for two straight years up until last weekend

David W Moore You’ll have to wait until the next quarterly report to analyze the financial health of the NCDP. As for today’s Moral March; I would classify it an utter failure as it gained NO AUDIENCE outside the group members themselves.

David W Moore Chris, 140 groups came together with themselves and attracted some of the Krispy Kreme people over to watch, but remains ineffective on actual voters.

Like I said, go read the whole set of comments. One might observe that the bickering in the comments looks like Establishment GOP arguing with the Tea Party or true Conservatives.

Local media reported that Casey Mann had ‘resigned‘ at the February 7th SEC meeting in order to give the party and it’s new leader, Patsy Keever, a “clean slate“.  Mann was selected by Randy Voller last March.

However, it would appear from his Facebook post that perhaps Mr. Fisher thinks she was forced out?  If Mann is one of the women Fisher is referencing, who is the other?

Ironic? According to Citizen-Times, “The party tried to rebuild unanimity Saturday, as former Chairman David Parker led the crowd in singing “We Are Family,” and speakers criticized GOP policies.”


Related: Patsy Keever – Build a Bridge Not a Wall

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips:
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