March 5th, 2016 GOP Primary Results [Updated]

Per the Decision Desk HQ, here are the results from last nights GOP Primaries/Caucuses.

Cruz took Kansas and Maine. Combining the tallies from these two states, Cruz led  Trump by 20,895 votes.

Trump took Kentucky and Louisiana.  Combining tallies from these two states, Trump led Cruz by 20,650* votes.


Last night’s results clearly show this is a two man race. Will Rubio and Kasich get out  of the way or continue to erode support that would probably go to Cruz?

Below each percentage return, I’ve noted how many votes either Cruz or Trump had over the other in each state.

The delegate count as of last night’s primary/caucus results is as follows:

Real Clear Politics has a breakdown of these numbers by state and includes the type of allocation and whether or not it was an open, semi-open or closed primary.  Real Clear Politics also includes how many delegates each state has.

We haven’t hit any winner take all states, but the first of them are coming up fast on March 15th. They include Florida (99), Illinois (69), Missouri (52), Ohio (66) and U.S. Territories like Samoa (9) and the Virgin Islands (9).

3-7-16 Update:
Louisiana’s 46 delegates are allocated as follows:
Trump: 18
Cruz: 18
Rubio: 5
Unbound Delegates: 5

Check out The Hayride’s article on the exact breakdown above as per the Louisiana GOP’s statement.

*Correction: Decision Desk numbers I originally included for Louisiana were off a bit.
According to Louisiana Secretary of State it’s Trump: 124,818  and Cruz: 113,949

That means there were 10,869 votes separating them in Louisiana; which is off by three from Decision Desk HQ’s 10,866.  Why post an update on that? Because the amount of votes separating these two overall was very small.

About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips:
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