Get Your Liberty On: Convention of States

What is the recourse available to the states and citizenry when the United States federal government has grown out of control? How do the people rein it in?

A Convention of States.

According to some, Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides the best solution. Article V provides two methods for proposing and adopting amendments to the Constitution. The first method, which is far more commonly known, requires that a proposed amendment be passed by two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress, then sent to the states – 75 percent of which must approve the amendment for it to be ratified. Article V also states that on direct application to the Federal Government from two-thirds of all state legislatures a Convention of States must be called for the purpose of proposing amendments. These amendments must be passed by two-thirds of convention delegates, before being sent to all states for ratification – just as in the more common method. Amendments proposed and ratified in this manner are to be considered just as valid as those ratified in the first method.
Civitas, How To Reboot The Constitution

I’ve been in contact with an outfit seeking to do just that. It’s the same group mentioned further on in the Civitas article above – Convention Of States, a project of citizens for self-government. I spoke with Michael Westrich, who is the North Carolina Coalitions Director for Convention of States. He reached out to me to help raise awareness of the campaign and help people get information about how they can go about making a Convention of States happen.

Westrich explained to me that “Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG) recently launched the Convention of States (COS) Project with the expressed purpose of urging and empowering state legislators to call a Convention of States. Under the COS Project plan, this convention would be called “for the purpose of limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.” Only amendments that fall under this category would be germane and up for debate.

Westrich also provided me with an array of hand-outs and a summary of the Convention of States. I’ve made these materials available for download on Scribd. Those wishing to get involved, want more clarification or information can reach Mike Westrich at

The Convention of States is going on a Road Tour, including stops in North Carolina from October 16 to the 18th. As that date approaches, more information on times and locations will be available.

Contact information:


About A.P. Dillon

A.P. Dillon is a reporter currently writing at The North State Journal. She resides in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Find her on Twitter: @APDillon_ Tips:
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